Tarot is so much more than fortune telling, or telling the future. Of course, the cards can be used for that, and I love giving my querents a sneak peek into their future. Whichever way I’m using the cards, traditional or more radical and intuitive, my readings are always empowering, so accurate you may feel attacked, and packed with love and excellent guidance.
A tarot reading from me is next level: it is unique, full of my own intuitive interpretations and using the system of interpretation that I have developed through working intensively with and learning about the tarot. In my hands, tarot is your best friend, your cheerleader, your Higher Self getting you telt! Tarot is the truth from the universe, about you and your life and how you should live it! Tarot doesn’t take any prisoners and won’t tolerate any bullshit. Tarot will slap you in the face until you get it, and then slap you some more until you take action.

Voice Message Readings:
The beauty of voice message readings is that you have the reading to listen to, at a time of your choosing and at any point in the future! My querents often go back and listen to their readings again after some time has passed, which also confirms the accuracy of my future predictions (fire, by the way). I channel the beautiful healing reiki energy which I transmit to you through my words. From my lips to your ears! I will also send you photographs of the cards for you to connect with while you listen to your reading, and to keep as an aide memoire.
I will always recommend my voice message 10 card Celtic Cross reading. We can use it to focus on a specific issue, or I can blow your mind by asking the Universe to tell you what you need to know, and you’ll get all the information you need to help you right now.

Video Readings:
The main benefit of this type of reading is that you can interact with me. I prefer to go into the readings quite cold, so I ask that you don’t share a lot with me. After I’ve finished reading your cards, that’s the point where we can delve deeper. Plus, you don’t have to leave the comfort of your own safe space for your reading!

In Person Readings:
Nothings beats an in person reading. Our energies connect and your energy connects with my cards. Again, I will go into your reading cold, but I will constantly ask you, “Does this make sense?” When you say “yes, Joanne” (or, more likely, “holy shit, yes”), I can then delve deeper into the symbolism and imagery of the card, to really pull out all the messages the specific card has for you. Also, if you come for an in person reading you will go home with a spell jar, bespoke to what the cards tell me you need. You may also meet my dog Dante, he loves meeting my querents and he has a certain sense when some comfort is needed. Don’t worry if you’re not comfortable with dogs, I will contact you after your booking to discuss this with you. My home is a safe, sacred space for my querents, and you will be comfortable while you are under its roof.