I am Joanne, a radical tarot practitioner from deepest, darkest Lanarkshire in Scotland.
I come with a content warning and I’m not for the easily offended! I will eff and blind my way through your reading, and I make no apologies for it. My foul mouth in no way precludes the healing that I channel to you, and the veracity of the messages I give you. I am a spookily accurate tarot practitioner with a burning passion for the cards and my own Truth of Tarot.
I understand all about your past, I can see where you are sitting right now, and I know where you’re going.

Tarot is a system of 78 cards running the full gamut of the human experience, from cradle to grave (and beyond). Passions, creativity, your mind and communication style, your spirituality love and intuition, and the body experience. Tarot will tell you the truth about yourself and your life, and the cards will also give you a ton of guidance on how to make the most of yourself and your life! Tarot is the search for enlightenment, basically (and I’ve learnt the secret through the tarot!). I’ve developed my own system through working with the cards, and these radical and personal interpretations are the messages that empower and embolden my querents.
Tarot is empowering. Tarot is loving. Tarot is healing. Tarot is guiding. Tarot is your loudest cheerleader. Tarot and I, well, we’re your biggest fans!

I thrive on providing inclusive card readings and I read the cards in my own unique way. I’ve developed my own system and interpretations. I will pull a shit ton of guidance and advice from the cards for you, to help you with whatever situation the cards are telling me about.

Tarot is so much more than a fortune telling, or telling the future. Of course, the cards can be used for that, and I love giving my querents a sneak peek into their future. So, what really is tarot, then?
My tarot is fun. My tarot helps you to heal. My tarot is empowering. My tarot is downright spookily accurate. My truth of tarot is that tarot is so, so much more than you think it is. I take my lead from the modern world, so I adapt the traditional cards for resonant use today. My readings are inclusive and non-binary. Example: the Devil isn’t just addiction, dependency, abuse. In my readings, the Devil is also the patriarchal and capitalistic society we live in today. It’s got us all shackled. Another: 3 Swords isn’t heartbreak – it is heart healing. And, yo! Towers aren’t always to be feared! My tarot is fucking magic. I’ll give you the reading of your life. Try me today!